Alessandra Chiappini was born in Piacenza in 1971 and graduated with distinction in painting at Brera Academy of fine arts in Milan under Paolo Baratella. Her mythological/philosophical thesis on Dionysus was later published in various issues. She has also studied in Dijon, Venice, London (UAL, St Martin’s) and Barcelona. Over time she has achieved a style that originates from a gathering of memories and archetypes which recreates images of vast landscapes, using solid brushstrokes that have immediacy and tend towards abstraction. She exhibits solo and collectively in Italy and abroad and has been collaborating for a number of years with the Scoglio di Quarto arts centre in Milan.
pietro berzollaDall'archivio della Galleria Ricci Oddi di Piacenza

Biografia: Licenziato nel 1921 all'Accademia di Belle Arti di Parma...


corriere della seraAra a Dioniso riprodotta nella pagina culturale

Il dolore nell'arte - Sala napoleonica dell'Accademia di Belle Arti di Brera


via crucisAle Chiappini dipinge la XIV stazione

Nel giubileo del 2000 una donazione alla chiesa di S.Vittore a Piacenza